For 25 years of providing legal services in supplemental health I find that just as in medicine, in which it is best to prevent and maintain good health, the same practice is true in law as well.
Companies and people all have legal, contractual and business obligations.
As a lawyer my role is to help fulfill these obligations by offering legal advice and assist them in contracts by acting preventively adding a valued legal viewpoint.
In the corporate environment I offer legal assistance in communication, both internal and external, providing an additional perspective to preexisting practices.
In addition to my legal practice I offer services and training in regard to Negotiation and Commercial Mediation.
My service is established to provide quality personal and professional transparency, integrity, ethics, commitment and respect towards all parties.

Elizabeth is a lawyer, specialist in Civil Law from Estácio de Sá University, holding a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Specialized in contracts, regulatory law, business law, cooperative law, and consumer law.
Since 1996, she has been providing specialized legal services in healthcare, assisting Healthcare Companies and Medical Cooperatives.
Speaker in several events related to healthcare regulation, consumer law, cooperative systems, and corporate legal counseling.
Invited professor and co-author of the textbook for the course “Legal Aspects in the Health Sector” of the MBA in Health Management at Fundação Getúlio Vargas.
Co-author of the Legislative Compendium on Private Health Care Plans - Lumen Juris - Ed. 2005.
Trained in negotiation and conflict mediation techniques (Harvard Faculty Club, on demand (2015), FGV Mediation and Arbitration (2016), Mediation - MWI Mediation Works Incorporated - Boston-MA (2017), Dispute Systems Design - Unieducar (2017), and Essential Negotiation and Mediation Techniques (Taught at the Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce (SP) in partnership with Strauss Institute for Dispute Resolution/Pepperdine University - 2019).
Certified Mediator by ICFML (2018), only international institute qualified to certify mediators in Portuguese language under international standards defined by IMI (International Mediation Institute), with education and training at MWI - Mediation Works Incorporated - Boston/MA (2017), a solid institution of training and services in negotiation and mediation.
She permanently participates in several professional improvement courses.
Founding partner of Elizabeth T. Martins Advocacia, a law and business legal advisory firm established in Rio de Janeiro-Brazil.
Fluent in Portuguese and English.